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What is ASB?

The Drake High School Student Council and Associated Student Body (ASB) class is a student lead organization that strives to build leadership skills, school unity and increased student involvement in the school and community. We are committed to the following Core Values:


  • Capturing and creating a sound voice for students to communicate with administration

  • Improving the attitude towards Drake in both students and staff

  • Motivating others to become involved

  • Raising morale of Drake community

  • Increasing awareness of our surroundings and the world amongst students

  • Building a bridge from Drake to the larger community

  • Adding additional school-wide activities that appeal to a broad spectrum of the student body

  • Opening minds to opportunities

  • Increasing attendance at Drake sponsored events

  • Improving student and staff communication

  • Seeking community service opportunities as a class and as a school

  • Building fun into the high school experience

  • Gathering new ideas

  • Allowing for student voice to make/effect change

  • Working to improve equity measures on campus

When does ASB meet?

The ASB class meets 6th period, however much of our work extends outside of class time. If something is not finished in class, its completion is expected during after school hours. Additionally, ASB volunteers at various organizations throughout our community and is consistently working before and after school to plan and set up for events throughout the year. 

What positions can an asb member hold?


General ASB member: Admitted by the Interview Council (see below) and holds no specific title but works alongside classmates throughout the entirety of ASB.


Crew Captain: The ASB class is divided into “crews” that focus on certain aspects of what we need to accomplish. Each Crew is lead by one or two Crew Captains. The Crews are as follows:


  1. Pirate TV: This Crew is famed and fabulous for their twice-monthly productions of Pirate TV. The episodes air to (ideally) all advisories and are public for viewing online. They include a club spotlight, announcements from ASB, administration, and other groups and individuals on campus, upcoming sports and events, and entertaining, enlightening information for students, teachers, and parents. This crew plans, films, edits, and publishes episodes.

  2. Publicity: The Publicity Crew is in charge of taking the work of the other crews and making it public. A vital component to the crew is communicating with all leadership groups, sports teams, and clubs on campus for whatever publicizing they may need. It is their job to alert the student body and larger community about upcoming events, new opportunities, and everything in between. They have many vessels for communication such as the Drake Flush, Instagram, the chalk wall, and, of course, one can never go wrong with posters.

  3. Staff-Student Appreciation: dedicated to recognizing our amazing student body, faculty, and staff on a regular basis. They put on events such as teacher and janitor appreciation days, student unity events such as Cookies & Cram, and other student group appreciations.

  4. Athletics: The crew responsible for recognizing and appreciating all sports teams and athletes on campus. This is done through sports appreciation days, players of the week, and more. Additionally, Athletics puts on one tournament a month. Whether it be spike ball, dodgeball, or ping pong, this crew allows all students to participate in fun sports tournaments without the stress of serious commitment.

  5. Events: This crew is responsible for hosting all student-led events on campus. Whether it be lunchtime activities, movie nights, food drives, or float building, this crew allows students to have fun on and off-campus.

  6. Rally: Plans and organizes all school rallies, including writing scripts, decorating, creating backdrops, communicating with rally performers, creating games, etc. Additionally, Rally Crew plans all school dances such as Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom. Rally Crew books venues and plans dance themes. When necessary, they assist Events Crew in their planning.


Sophomore and Junior Class President: This officer, while acting as an advocate for all students, should primarily serve their respective grade and ensure that all leadership projects are aligned with their grade’s overall goals. Some specific responsibilities include:

  • Having awareness and understanding of all student activities, especially those pertaining to their respective grade level.

  • Communicating effectively with ASB advisor, ASB Executive Council, and their respective grade.

  • Gathering input opinions from a diverse spectrum of students in their respective grade level, as well as working to execute these ideas.


Senior Class President: This officer, while acting as an advocate for all students, should primarily serve their respective grade and ensure that all leadership projects are aligned with their grade’s overall goals. Some specific responsibilities include:

  • Having awareness and understanding of all student activities, especially those pertaining to their respective grade level.

  • Communicating effectively with ASB advisor, ASB Executive Council, and their respective grade.

  • Gathering input opinions from a diverse spectrum of students in their respective grade level, as well as working to execute these ideas.

  • Senior Class President is also responsible for planning and presenting at any Senior Day.

  • Senior Class President is responsible for planning and executing the Spring Senior Trip.


ASB Secretary: This officer’s primary role is to improve the communication between student government and the general school population. Some specific responsibilities include:

  • Managing and emailing minutes from ASB meetings to ASB advisors and administration and making minutes available for public inspection

  • Making invitations and thank you notes for all appropriate events

  • Managing and updating ASB calendar of events

  • Ensuring that the paper and paint supplies are updated and refilled

  • Keeping a notebook of all ASB activities and communication for the year


ASB Treasurer: This officer ensures that student finances are sound and fairly distributed to the student body at Drake. Some specific responsibilities include:

  • Working with Drake budget coordinator on analyzing the year’s previous ASB budget and proposing adjustments accordingly.

  • Budgeting ASB expenditures based on ASB goals.

  • Presenting a thorough breakdown of the ASB budget at the beginning, middle and end of the school year, along with monthly budget summaries to the ASB class.

  • Monitoring and communicating Club and Class budgets - and taking any action necessary

  • Approving reimbursements from any ASB account; signing checks and forms for checks as the student representative from ASB.

  • Reviewing and signing monthly financial reports.

  • Keeping a notebook of all financial activity of the ASB for the entire year. This is to include the ASB minutes


ASB Vice Presidents: These two officers serve to support the ASB President and advocate for a wide range of student involvement and incorporation into school-side functions. There are two positions with sperate responsibilities as follows:


The ASB Leadership Vice President will:

  • Organize and plan Crew Nine activities and responsibilities

  • Communicate with clubs

  • Plan framework for class preparation for rallies and dances  

  • Assist the President on a daily agenda and conducting the ASB class 

The ASB Student Government Vice President will:

  • Organize, plan, and run bi-monthly Student Senate meetings, leading group of subcommittee leaders 

  • Communicate with admin about necessary constitutional updates

  • Plan process of ASB officer elections, informing the school and candidates on necessary information

  • Assist the President on a daily agenda and conducting the ASB class 



ASB President: This officer should serve as an advocate for all students and ensure that all ASB projects are aligned with the school’s overall goals. Some specific responsibilities include:

  • Having awareness and understanding of all student activities

  • Facilitating ASB meetings and the class in general

  • Holding monthly ASB officer and commissioner discussions

  • Ensuring that the ASB officer team effectively communicates and works well together

  • Attend and participate in the Marin High School Council

  • Communicating effectively with ASB advisor and Drake Administration

**NOTE: If you apply for any of the above positions and win the election, it is required that you enroll in the ASB class for the 2020-21 year (though it is not required that you fill out the general application). If you want to apply for an officer position there is a mandatory meeting at lunch on Feb 26th, 2020 in rm 222**

How is the class structured?

The ASB President generally runs class, facilitates discussion, and makes sure that each Crew is working efficiently. As previously stated, the ASB class, with the exception of the ASB President and VP, is divided into six Crews. While each Crew has their own responsibilities, a majority of the time is spent as an entire group working on whole-class tasks. The one or two Crew Captains in each Crew remain in charge of that given Crew throughout the entire year; however, the rest of the ASB members circulate throughout the Crews roughly five times per year.

Not in asb but want to voice your opinion?

Student and non-affiliated ASB input is extremely important to us. We are always looking to improve our class so we encourage you to reach out to us via our "contact us" section or through other platforms such as student senate.

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©2020 by Sir Francis Drake High School ASB

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